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Dr Yanni Xu

Business Nips And Tucks

DR YANNI XU DIRECTOR, THE URBAN CLINIC "AS a small business owner, 2023 was a relatively challenging year. Every vendor has raised the price of their goods, it's more expensive to...
wwc 091220 country

Country Branding Through Thick And Thin

HOW does a country's brand reputation survive challenging times like an economic crisis or a global pandemic? This WED WEB CHAT — The Country Brand In The Digial Era discusses...
Jazzy Christmas

Bringing Down The Curtain On Jazzy Christmas

THE concept of a Jazzy Christmas that Jeremy Monteiro dreamed up two decades ago will play to its final full house at the Esplanade Concert Hall this weekend. The ongoing...
WED WEB CHAT pets 251120

Pet Topic – Living With Pets — WED WEB CHAT

  OUR desire for furry companionship continues unabated and the pet industry keeps barking up the right money tree. The number of licensed dogs grew by 20% between 2011 and 2019,...
Future of work

How Much A.I. Do You Want In The Future?

FROM personal learning devices to personal learning pathways, ChatGPT to conscientious decision making, the panellists at the recent WED WEB CHAT — How Will Technology Educate You For The...

TeamLab — Bytes Of Art

WHILE NOT wholeheartedly embraced by the mainstream art world, virtual art is steadily building its reputation, pixel by pixel. The patterns repeat over a period of time; colourful amorphous hues that...
JLR Alistair Scott

Jaguar Land Rover’s Electric Moves

WITH many car companies deciding to build only electric vehicles some time this decade, the push to ingratiate EVs with customers is growing. Most of the initial issues of EVs...
Aloysius Lee

Waiting For The Wave

With a new CEO driving the business, Millennium & Copthorne is optimistic about its continued journey, but it depends on when the tide comes in. By Kannan Chandran. Photography by...
Joshua kv

Sparkling Sake And Indian Cuisine Pair Superbly

IN a delightful fusion of flavours that traverses the breadth of the varied Asian continent, I recently had the pleasure of experiencing a unique culinary adventure.  It was at the...

Vanity Unfair

VANITY. This word is a downfall for women in general considering we are primarily pride driven. I’m a woman, I’m wary. I’m also aware that today’s world offers temptation as an easy...