Come On! Let Your Children Be Happy!

Children be on guard! The tiger moms are at their most ferocious in the tail end of the year, as the major examinations are in full swing and those...
Resilience Budget,

Cash Is King

GOVERNMENT has extended, magnanimously and spontaneously, a strong, steady and trustworthy helping hand with the Resilience Budget. It is now up to all to reach out to help themselves in...

Charger Award — Winners’ Views

FOLLOWING the announcement of Charger Award winners at Thursday’s event, STORM.SG gets some comments from some of the award recipients. Above photo: Khoo Boo Hor, CEO of Sunningdale Tech, Kannan Chandran,...
Kirpal Singh, David Kwee

Elder Statesmen Making Statements

MUCH has been made of the well-publicised lunch sessions between Dr Tan Cheng Bock and Lee Hsien Yang. Social media lights up at the opportunity to talk about the run of...

Cyber Bullies — Bits and Bytes Pack A Bite

A SECONDARY school girl was bullied on Twitter for being overweight and made fun of for quoting the Bible — called names and accused of “acting holy”. This harassment started...
Datuk Seri Najib Ali

How Will Changes In Malaysia Affect Singapore?

  IT IS hard to imagine the Datuk Seri Najib Razak was Prime Minister of Malaysia just over two months ago. His fall from grace has been rapid, and he...
budget 2020

Budget 2020 — 5. What The Small Businesses Say

SMALL businesses form a large community that is at risk from Covid-19 and the economic situation arising from rising operating costs. Here, a disparate group from a variety of...

Is Orchard Road Too Pedestrian?

Singapore's glitzy and glamorous high street is set for yet another new stage in its evolution. The the talk is now about pedestrianizing the busy five-lane thoroughfare (starting with the right-most...

Safety Nets For Failure

COMING from an era when businesses endeavoured and persevered, and making mistakes was frowned upon. The idea was to get the job done right, preferably the first time around. Making...
Resilience Budget,

Living Day To Day

THE COVID-19 pandemic has placed extraordinary demands and created near insurmountable challenges that both governments and business leaders have to respond effectively to. The humanitarian toll and economic costs create...