Safety Nets For Failure

COMING from an era when businesses endeavoured and persevered, and making mistakes was frowned upon. The idea was to get the job done right, preferably the first time around. Making...
Resilience Budget,

A Generous Helping Hand

THE Resilience Budget achieves two objectives at one time. It helps companies most affected by the crisis while, at the same time, it prevents employees from being laid off and...
budget 2020 helping hands

Budget 2020 — 4. What Helping Groups Say

EDUCATION and help for the less fortunate are key factors in the push forward as a society, through challenging times. But for groups that help — be they charity...

Can Singapore Football Be Saved?

FOR ALL football’s popularity, so much about it has changed for the negative. It has evolved from an innocent pastime into a devious monster grabbing for that golden cup of plenty. Many...

Singapore Among The World’s Least Active Societies

WE ARE not moving enough. And we are moving too fast. The issues of mobility and movement come to a head as a result of technology. We are slowing down...
Resilience Budget,

What About The Hardworking Foreigners?

THE supplementary budget of $48 billion is indeed a very generous one compared to the main budget delivered on 18 February. In addition to the enhanced measures, a new measure in...

Charger Award — Winners’ Views

FOLLOWING the announcement of Charger Award winners at Thursday’s event, STORM.SG gets some comments from some of the award recipients. Above photo: Khoo Boo Hor, CEO of Sunningdale Tech, Kannan Chandran,...
Datuk Seri Najib Ali

How Will Changes In Malaysia Affect Singapore?

  IT IS hard to imagine the Datuk Seri Najib Razak was Prime Minister of Malaysia just over two months ago. His fall from grace has been rapid, and he...
Resilience Budget,

Cash Is King

GOVERNMENT has extended, magnanimously and spontaneously, a strong, steady and trustworthy helping hand with the Resilience Budget. It is now up to all to reach out to help themselves in...

Charger Award — Tips And Theories

IN A discussion that covered a wide range of topics, the commentators at the Charger Award kept the audience engrossed with tips, anecdotes and insightful opinions. The inaugural award developed with...