Joseph Schooling, Bureaucracy And Physics

MARK Lautman knows what it takes to coach swim champions. Physics.

The former coach of the Olympic team of Chile turned economic advisor and author, and  brings all to bear in his keynote address at the inaugural the Nth Revolution, part of STORM magazine’s Keep It Going series.


His speech, Our Superpower Needs An Overhaul covered a variety of topics which will be reported over the coming days.

In this video, Lautman explains the role physics plays in Singapore Olympic swim champion Joseph Schooling’s golden technique, and how the same laws play a significant role in economies, especially when economies accelerate rapidly, only to be faced with resistance.

Articles By Mark Lautman:

It’s Not Rocket Science…It’s Harder!

It’s Not Brain Surgery, But We’re Going To Need Some!

Lautman authored When The Boomers Bail: A Community Economic Survival Guide (2011), a book about how a growing shortage of qualified workers would become a primary constraint to the economic development of most places in the world. The changing role of business and the new concepts of employment and the gig economy and solo work are already making their presence felt.

Lautman warns that the countries that insist on milking their current success stories may be in for a rude shock when they find fewer avenues for growth if they “do not plan to have a plan” to tackle the future.

More reports on Keep It Going — the Nth revolutioN in the coming days.


See also  Are You Living A Full Life?


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