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WED WEB CHAT 111120 heritage

Changing With The Times – WED WEB CHAT

HOW will the heritage brands face up to the competition from new players on the scene? This WED WEB CHAT — Heritage Brands Going Strong explores how the longstanding brands...
WED WEB CHAT 11.11.20

Heritage Brands Going Strong — WED WEB CHAT

WITH all this talk about new industries eclipsing old ones, and compounded by the onset of COVID-19, there is a lot of uncertainty about the business landscape. Young and old...
WED WEB CHAT tourism 041120

Tourism Without Travel — WED WEB CHAT

WE may be nowhere near ready to pack our bags and fly off on holiday anytime soon, but we can plan. This WED WEB CHAT — Feeding The Travel Bug...

Feeding The Travel Bug — WED WEB CHAT

IT MUST have been an uncomfortable year for those with the wanderlust DNA. But, it's also been a challenging year for those who brought travel and adventure to millions who,...
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Are You Ready To Work For Yourself?

FOR Helen Ong, it just happened. Debra Teng wanted it. Tama Goh had no doubts about it. Juria Banding stumbled into it. The four panellists in this WED WEB CHAT...
wwc unconventional jobs

They Dared To Be Different

WHAT motivates someone to buck the trend and strike out on their own path? While many join the predictable industries that used to guarantee fortune and stability — at least...

Beauty — More Than Skin Deep?

FROM slapping on sun block to carrying an umbrella, the range of beauty options served up in this WED WEB CHAT: Beauty — More Than Skin Deep was quite...

Skills To Guide You Out Of COVID-19 — WED WEB CHAT Highlights

THESE changing times require a nimble mindset and an agile disposition. How will we emerge from COVID-19 with a positive attitude and hopefully a relevant job? The panellists in the...
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Core Skills To Focus On — WED WEB CHAT

AS we make our slow way out of a challenging pandemic period how will we find a quick way to become relevant in the quickest possible time? Even before COVID-19...

The Post-pandemic Dining Scene May Look Very Different — WED WEB CHAT

IT WAS a stormy session filled with opinions and loads of invaluable advice from years of experience. The WED WEB CHAT — The Future Of Dining, a weekly discussion organised...