Core Skills To Focus On — WED WEB CHAT
AS we make our slow way out of a challenging pandemic period how will we find a quick way to become relevant in the quickest possible time?
Even before COVID-19...
The Post-pandemic Dining Scene May Look Very Different — WED WEB CHAT
IT WAS a stormy session filled with opinions and loads of invaluable advice from years of experience.
The WED WEB CHAT — The Future Of Dining, a weekly discussion organised...
The Future Of Dining — WED WEB CHAT
OUR favourite topic gets more flavourful with Peter Knipp and Benny Se Teo peppering their thoughts on the subject of the dining scene.
Already struggling under the weight of onerous...
WED WEB CHAT – Finding Funding For Your Big Idea
HOW do you translate your brilliant idea into a workable business?
Often, a key ingredient in the formula is money, and it is the lack of this crucial item that...
Tips For Safe And Smart Remote Work
WITH the world getting used to the fact that working from home is here to stay, the errors and omissions that so many businesses have made, will have to...
Fixing Your Digital Insecurity — WED WEB CHAT
AS THE world struggles to cope with the disruptive nature of the COVID-19 pandemic, one group of predators is raising their game. And you'd best be alert to their...
Passion And Practical Tips For Authors
WHETHER it be a tragedy or a happy occasion, writing a book works best when there’s a passion to communicate underlying the process. That was the case with our...
Brand Protection And The 30-30-30 Rule For Restaurants
WHAT'S the 30-30-30 rule in the food business?
How do you protect your brand?
Why would you start a restaurant business even as COVID-19 is wreaking havoc in the F&B industry?
Food For Talk — WED WEB CHAT
FOOD has been a major preoccupation in 2020 as those stuck at home discovered their culinary skills (or not), while restaurants had to pivot and offer take-away or delivery...
Coping With The Mental Effects Of COVID-19
2020 will go down as the year of COVID-19. It has been a challenging time for the global economy as the Coronavirus has spread far and wide and brought...