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Making Good Mindful Decisions

IT took Norman New 20 years to get into a habit of meditating regularly, and that's thanks to COVID-19 and the circuit breaker which stopped him from making excuses...

Beauty — More Than Skin Deep?

FROM slapping on sun block to carrying an umbrella, the range of beauty options served up in this WED WEB CHAT: Beauty — More Than Skin Deep was quite...

What Are We Watching?

IF you grew up in the 1960s you’d remember the kampong spirit that served as the glue to bond the migrant communities building their new homes in Singapore. It was...
impact investing webinar

Look For Profit Before Social Impact

IMPACT investing is finding its niche in society, according to panellists in the WED WEB CHAT — Impact Investing: What Works? This blend of profit and purpose is being embraced...
Dana Lam

Is Society Doing Enough For The Elderly?

In the WED WEB CHAT — The Golden Runway, panellists Dana Lam and Chong Huai Seng talk about how members of society — young and old — can interact...
P Jeyaratnam wed web chat

Trouble Brewing On The Horizon?

THERE is currently a lot of exuberance in the Singapore economy from the ultra high net worth individuals bringing money into the country. Singapore’s economic and political stability are attractive...
webinar on starting a business

Advice From Entrepreneurs For Those Planning To Start A Business

WHAT drives you to start your own business? From the comfort of a well-paying position to the uncertainty of starting something and building it up with no assurances that it...
Art Fazil Relaxation

Art Fazil Takes Nature Baths To Relax

WHEN it comes to the art of relaxing, Art Fazil looks to nature. The singer/songwriter grew up in a nameless kampung in Upper Thomson and spent a lot of his...
Future of Demand, Tourism Australia, Zoho

The Future Of Demand — Tourism And Software

AFTER enduring two years of pandemic measures, we find ourselves emerging into a different world. In this reawakened state, we still face various issues. There’s a war raging in Ukraine....
wwc171121 travel

Prepare To Be Patient When Travelling

TRAVEL is supposed to free your mind. Let you explore the world. And we used to enjoy jetting off on a whim for a long weekend or an extended...