Feeding The Starved Customer

THE heavy clouds seem to be finally parting as the measures to contain COVID-19 in Singapore are easing up. Heaving a collective sigh of relief will be the food and...
wwc 200422 metaverse

Who’s Playing In The Metaverse? — WED WEB CHAT

THE allure of the metaverse lies in the opportunities that exist. With big names like Google, Sony, Meta and Microsoft jumping into this space, signs are this is the next...
online shopping

Online Shopping Is Here To Stay

ONE positive take away from the pandemic (other than the unwelcome ART results), is the big push into the digital domain that resulted from it. Overnight, meetings went virtual, schooling...
wwc a full life

The Ageing Cloud And The Silver Lining

FROM starting new business ventures, to retiring and taking up hobbies, the silver generation is a growing group of influence in society. At the WED WEB CHAT — Living Full...
wwc 060422 full life

Are You Living A Full Life?

HEALTH and wealth tend to pop up a lot in discussions about lifespans and longevity. While reaching a ripe old age is viewed as a blessing to some, there are...
MoonSwatch Neptune

Lunar Ticks — The MoonSwatch Experiment

The MoonSwatch that people are going gaga over is a moonshot project for the Swatch Group. The reaction it generated globally — people rushing and clamouring for the cheaper Omega...
Brinal Chua, Autoclinic

Tuning The Auto Industry

THE luxury sector saw an increase in activity during the pandemic. As people were forced to stay home they turned towards pampering themselves and their cars.  Brinal Chua is a...

Confronting The Age Of Disruption

THERE are periods in mankind’s existence which seem to exhibit stasis, such as between the Stone, Bronze and Iron Ages. That’s in part likely to stem from a lack...

Making Good Mindful Decisions

IT took Norman New 20 years to get into a habit of meditating regularly, and that's thanks to COVID-19 and the circuit breaker which stopped him from making excuses...
Energy Observer

Energy Observer And The Search For Clean Energy

AS the planet spins into a storm of contentious issues, a lone vessel has been on a mission. Climate change, a pandemic, rising fossil fuel prices and now a war...