Novak Djokovic

Sport And Politics Double Fault

THE Novak Djokovic pre-tournament drama Down Under offered some unexpected entertainment for the neutrals watching from the sidelines. Having been served his marching orders by the Full Federal Court of...
wwc 190122 boomer

Boomers Have More To Offer

THE post-World War II Baby Boomer generation has lived through some significant global situations. From technological advances to financial crashes and a global pandemic, this generation, born between 1946 and...

Which MINI Suits You?

THE John Cooper Works MINI is always thoroughly enjoyable to drive. For those who want performance that is in keeping with the impish disposition of the MINI will naturally gravitate...

Hope And Expectations

HOPE takes on a special meaning at the start of the year. After two years of living with COVID-19 and more of the same expected, how can hope uplift the...
wwc 050122 hope

Hang On To Hope

HOPE is often what keeps us going. In troubled times  — and a pandemic qualifies as such — the challenges posed by restrictions and impositions make it difficult to lead...

2022: What Do You Hope For?

WE were hoping for a better 2021. Now we are hoping for the same thing for 2022. A world in turmoil continues to be floored by an unseen enemy that...

Tiger In The Water — A Dangerous Splash

  FOLLOWING on from a couple of COVID-19 years, people are generally eager to break out and plunge into a life they remember. But while the pandemic is still ongoing, there...
World Badminton championship

The Highs Of Loh’s Shuttle Run

ANOTHER cautious year dealing with the pandemic threatened to end on a bleak note with the Committee of Privileges resulting from a lie told in Parliament. Fortunately, a sporting success...
audi a3 sedan

Audi A3 Sedan Creates A Positive Impression

SMALL cars are finding it more difficult to compete unless they have liberal doses of chutzpah. In Singapore’s unique (not in a good way) auto market, where money is sucked...
buildings greenery Singapore

Property Stamp Duty Hike — Necessary But Sudden

AT the recent WED WEB CHAT discussion on what lies ahead after another year of pandemic measures, the panellists covered various industry sectors, including the property market. Associate Professor of...