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Mari Kita

More To Zubir Said Than The National Anthem

THE musical Don’t Call Him Mr. Mari Kita captures in songs and anecdotes the history behind many of the forgotten songs of the self-taught composer, Zubir Said. Julian Wong’s historical perspective of...
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Time To Dip Your Toes Into Crypto

THE digital realm is an enabler for the masses. And this is a scary proposition for the few who hold the reins of power. Change and disruption have been sweeping through...
Peranakans discussion

Peranakan Culture On The Uptrend

As expected, the chatter was lively as the Peranakans in the virtual discussion contributed their views on what it meant to be part of this richly diverse community. There was...

Great Scott! Going Gaga Over Gucci

“TILL death do us part.” The marriage between Patrizia Reggiani and Maurizio Gucci will be laid bare for the world to relive a twisted tale of love, lucre and liquidation. The...
wwc 210421 sg lens

Reimagining Singapore’s Visual Image

MENTION a country and an image springs to mind. India — Taj Mahal. France — Eiffel Tower. Australia — Sydney Opera House. Of course there are variations. It could be people...

Rough And Ready Future For Singapore Film

THERE'S a sense of the hobbyist running through the short films that are being presented as part of the 7th National Youth Film Awards (NYFA) Conference, currently on at...
Running Ghost

Spirited Run-in With Ghosts

MOST movie goers remember Titanic as the disaster ship that sunk a shipload of famous people but really, it’s a love story between Jack and Rose. Love being the...

Moving Art Along — NPE Art Residency

THE NPE Art Residency is in the habit of quietly nurturing art. The underground operation, only known via word of mouth, was founded by Daryl Goh in the National Photo...
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Why Are We Losing Our Memories?

THE expressions on the faces above say it all. In the journey back to the days of our youth, before the time of Internet and social media, we were able...
Cheryl Ong, Magdalena Magiera

Scene And Heard

  FIRECRACKERS have been banned in Singapore since August 1972.  This 2021 sound card above sounds like firecrackers and it could be your Metal Ox felicitation this festive season during the...