
Toruk Offers Magical Moments

THE MAGIC of a Cirque du Soleil performance lies in the visual spectacle that unfolds on stage and envelopes you with music, motion and emotion. It’s less about a storyline...
Dr Yuan Shao Liang

Historical Strokes Of Good Fortune

THOSE who appreciate Chinese calligraphy will find a treasure trove of historical works spanning China's Ming and Qing dynasties at the Asian Civilisations Museum. On show is thINK: Chinese Calligraphy,...
wwc 061021 crypto

Time To Dip Your Toes Into Crypto

THE digital realm is an enabler for the masses. And this is a scary proposition for the few who hold the reins of power. Change and disruption have been sweeping through...
Phantom Of The Opera

The Phantom In Life’s Operas

THE LONG run of The Phantom Of The Opera extends beyond the catchy music and the visual spectacle. It reflects aspects of our lives in the seemingly simple plot about...
Rolls-Royce Nature Squared collaboration

Old And New Worlds Come Together

EVERY brand has to look to the next generation for its continued viability. This is certainly the case for heritage brands like Rolls-Royce, that have to bridge past glories with...

Guan Yin – Insightful Wisdom

A deeply philosophical interpretation of Guan Yin forms a major anchor of Royal Selangor’s current collections, which also include Guang Gong and Fu Lu Shou. The series is created by...

The Digital Playground Is Open

CHILDREN are digital natives and probably relate better to their iPad and mobile phones than they do with humans. That means they should take to learning digitally with ease. And...
Van Gogh, Natalie Hong

Celebrating The Art Of Van Gogh

WHILE the Dutch painter Vincent Van Gogh lived a troubled and fleeting life, how he interpreted what he saw on canvas has resulted in vivid interpretations that continue to...
When The Moon Is Orbed, Tan Swie Hian

Master Strokes Of Tan Swie Hian

FROM a bad student to a record-breaking artist, Tan Swie Hian has let nothing fetter his imagination. From poems to philosophy, sculpture to art, this gifted septuagenarian still burns...

Pokemon Go On The Run?

Pokemon Go burst onto the world stage and grabbed a sizeable share of people who had data and time to spare. By Ethan Quill The free-to-download augmented reality mobile game developed by...