What Are We Watching?

IF you grew up in the 1960s you’d remember the kampong spirit that served as the glue to bond the migrant communities building their new homes in Singapore. It was...
Shadow Assassins

Shadow Assassins – Singapore’s Shot At Bollywood

ANIL Goswami, the enterprising food & beverage founder of Al Capone's and Rocking Rickshaw has taken advantage of the COVID-19 downtime to venture into a new area. Making films. Shadow Assassins,...
5 Must-have Skills For Students Today

5 Must-have Skills For Students Today

WHAT are the key 5 must-have skills for students? It’s no longer about getting all the exam answers right because you memorised the textbooks. Oliver Tian, Vice-Chairman, International Alliance of...

Luck And Hard Work In Business

ORBITING the fringes of success stories in business that are heralded in the media are several satellite tales of exceptional capabilities displayed by smaller and quieter enterprises. Occasionally, these businesses...

Before Retaliating, Consider Your Options

ARE you quick to react when someone attacks you? While there’s instant gratification to be had from immediate retaliation, sometimes it may not be the best course of action. You could...
One United People

Look Beyond Colour

AN extract from my essay, Look Beyond Colour, for One United People, a book on racial harmony. Arriving on many boats, for a new life together For a nation that gained...

Have En Bloc Sales Hit The Wall?

THERE are mixed sentiments about en bloc sales. There are those who wouldn’t mind the extra cash some of these en masse sales deliver, but there are those who are...
VinFast SUV

David Beckham Sells Cars From Vietnam

JUST when you thought there couldn't be any more car companies after all the various rounds of mergers and acquisitions, and new regulations and initiatives, up pops a new...

6 Steps To Fingerprint Your Life

IT WAS 1880 when Scottish surgeon Dr Henry Faulds discovered that fingerprints could be handy for identification purposes. Building on this, Francis Galton published a book on the forensic science...


The role of mothers evolve as society changes. But some things remain constant. STORM talks to four women who have applied their own methods to raise their children. When...