
Do You Want To Go Back To The Office?

THERE are mixed feelings about heading back to work. As the government eases up on some of the COVID-19 measures, up to 50% of a company’s work from home staff...
wwc 091220 country

Country Branding Through Thick And Thin

HOW does a country's brand reputation survive challenging times like an economic crisis or a global pandemic? This WED WEB CHAT — The Country Brand In The Digial Era discusses...
scam precautions

Simple Rules To Avoid Being Scammed

SINGAPORE, while leading globally in many prosperity-related aspects, also sits at the top of a less glamorous category. Scam victims in Singapore lost $651.8 million in 2023, with a total...

Making Good Mindful Decisions

IT took Norman New 20 years to get into a habit of meditating regularly, and that's thanks to COVID-19 and the circuit breaker which stopped him from making excuses...
Dana Lam

Is Society Doing Enough For The Elderly?

In the WED WEB CHAT — The Golden Runway, panellists Dana Lam and Chong Huai Seng talk about how members of society — young and old — can interact...

Feeding The Travel Bug — WED WEB CHAT

IT MUST have been an uncomfortable year for those with the wanderlust DNA. But, it's also been a challenging year for those who brought travel and adventure to millions who,...
webinar on viewing habits

How To Tell Our Stories Like A K-drama

IT'S a daily activity for almost everyone. Watching television or keeping your eyes glued to your devices. What Are We Watching?  Panellists Jeremiah Choy, Founder of Orangedot Group, Kenneth Tan, the...
retirement activities

Retirement Advice To My Younger Self

WHAT would you tell your younger self about retiring? Advice from the panellists from the recent WED WEB CHAT — Rise of the UnRetired. Having reached retirement age, and lived through...
wwc 150921

Creativity In A Logical World

HOW can we encourage a coming together of creativity and logic in a country  increasingly reliant on technology? The recent closure of the YALE-NUS programme caused concern in some quarters....
WED WEB CHAT tourism 041120

Tourism Without Travel — WED WEB CHAT

WE may be nowhere near ready to pack our bags and fly off on holiday anytime soon, but we can plan. This WED WEB CHAT — Feeding The Travel Bug...