Dr Ng Cher Yew

Are We Closer To A Covid-19 Treatment?

IF Dr Ng Cher Yew could get access to the SARS-CoV-2 virus and a lab to test his RetroMAD1 molecule, he believes we could be closer to finding a...
wed web chat

Dark Is The Night Scene — WED WEB CHAT

THE night scene in Singapore was abruptly silenced by COVID-19. No more night clubs throbbing with music and heaving with sweaty, spirited bodies. No concerts. Disquiet on the scenic singapore...

Working With Young And Ambitious Minds

THE FUTURE demands faster and better talent. Hence, trainers have to take new approaches when building capabilities with a younger group. Young minds are full of potential, which could be realised...

The Laws Of Design And Supply

IN THE Keep It Going panel discussion, “Adopting And Adapting Design”, the panelists discussed making furniture to going mobile and planning islands. Design takes on different forms and functions...

Will The Show Go On?

  ANYONE who had the opportunity to catch U2 in concert last December, or Scorpions and Whitesnake in the double-hitter in March should relish the memory of those large-scale events. Or...

Less But Better For Rolls-Royce

IT HAS often been impressed upon consumers that designing simply is not an easy task. When developing a versatile but exclusive range of products to suit the needs of a...

8 Tips To Save You From Cyber Crying

IN THE past they used to coax you into parting with your cash for a share of the spoils of a dead Nigerian relative or an astronaut floating in space. Now,...
wwc 020621 covid biz

Why Start A Business During A Pandemic?

THE general reaction to uncertainty hanging heavy in the air would be to ring-fence one's resources and wait for the coast to clear. That would be the knee-jerk reaction by...
wwc 030321 grads

New Grads And New Challenges

WHAT jobs are fresh graduates hoping to land in a pandemic period? Already challenged by industries shifting to automation and the world going digital, COVID-19 forced a gear switch that...
Arthur Chua, Goldbell Group, JOBS20XX

Family Businesses To Stay In The Family?

ONE of the highlight discussions at the recent JOBS20XX - Work In Progress event was on the future of family businesses. Arthur Chua, CEO of Goldbell Group, spoke about how...