Free Porn

The Digital Playground Is Open

CHILDREN are digital natives and probably relate better to their iPad and mobile phones than they do with humans. That means they should take to learning digitally with ease. And...
wedwebchat covid-19

Coping With The Mental Effects Of COVID-19

2020 will go down as the year of COVID-19. It has been a challenging time for the global economy as the Coronavirus has spread far and wide and brought...

Bag of Tricks — Pull Out The Cheap Prado

WHAT'S the "IT" bag of the world? We carry it home from the supermarket every other day and don’t notice their existence nor give a damn. It’s the ubiquitous plastic bag;...

It’s Sheer Genus

SINCE time doesn't stand still, neither should your watch. Swiss brand GENUS has come up with some bold, moving watches that will amaze you with their technical wizardry. From dragons...
wwc 070721 luxe

Luxury Should Be Exquisite Not Exclusive

THE usual descriptions we have been levelling at the high-end consumer market have become part of the luxe lexicon, but they are not necessarily words those in the industry...
Christina Dean

Fashion Sense And Sustainability

CAN a stitch in time save nine for the fashion industry? Christina Dean, the founder of Redress and The R Collective, argues that sustainability is for every pocket. But she feels...
Big Data Parviz

Is Big Data A Fad?

“THE horse is here to stay but the automobile is only a novelty, a fad.” So said, the president of the Michigan Savings Bank to a certain Horace H. Rackham,...
Future of Demand, Tourism Australia, Zoho

The Future Of Demand — Tourism And Software

AFTER enduring two years of pandemic measures, we find ourselves emerging into a different world. In this reawakened state, we still face various issues. There’s a war raging in Ukraine....
Dr Herbert Lee

3D TV Coming Your Way

At the recent Web 5.0 conference, Dr Herbert Lee, founder of Marvel Digital, part of the XBE Group, spoke about glasses free 3D, where you don’t have to use...
bank crisis

Should We Bank On Banks?

A tumultuous fortnight of bizarre banking failures has put the world on edge. The folding of 3 US banks — Silvergate Capital, Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank — and...