Planning Your Tournament Strategy

IN THE English football season just ended, Manchester City were streets ahead of the competition, breaking a number of Premier League records. It played a high and fast pressing game...
budget 2020

Budget 2020 — 5. What The Small Businesses Say

SMALL businesses form a large community that is at risk from Covid-19 and the economic situation arising from rising operating costs. Here, a disparate group from a variety of...
budget 2020

Budget 2020 — 3. What The F&B People Say

EVEN in the best of times, the food and beverage industry suffers from volatility, gauging from the number of outlets that open and close annually. With the Covid-19 outbreak, normally...
Nicolas Lehotzky, Manufaktur Waldhoff

Waldhoff Makes Time For Everyone

DESPITE the omnipresence of smart watches that keep track of the users' activities, the number of steps they've taken, their heart rate, and much more, it's still heartening to...
covid building

Business Building In Troubled Times

HUMAN intelligence is being tested. The smart brains of the world are currently being outwitted by a nimble virus intent on pivoting, innovating and surviving. Traits the human race has...

Beauty — More Than Skin Deep?

FROM slapping on sun block to carrying an umbrella, the range of beauty options served up in this WED WEB CHAT: Beauty — More Than Skin Deep was quite...

The New S-Class Ups The Comfort Factor

FOR something that will impress without shredding your wallet, it's still hard to beat the sheer presence of the Mercedes-Benz S-Class. The 7th generation of this dominant German car model...

The Future Of Retail — WED WEB CHAT

THESE past few months have taught us things about ourselves that we either didn't realise or weren't interested to discover. We can do with less. We can function differently. We may not...

Do Not Lose Touch With Money

MUCH has been said both for and against the topic, since PM Lee Hsien Loong pushed the  point about Singapore becoming a cashless society in his National Day Rally speech. One of...

Pasta With Garlic-roasted Tomatoes – Whip It UP!

THIS Italian classic pasta margherita — or simply pasta with tomato — never gets outdated. Give it a flavour boost with plump cherry tomatoes garlic-roasted until their skins burst...