Connecting With People

Dr Sanjay Kuttan, Chief Technology Officer, Global Centre for Maritime Decarbonisation looks back on a year when connecting with people remained key to moving forward. Coming out of a pandemic, and...

Working From Home Is Fun But Comes With Security Risks

FROM dragging their feet about it, to being forced into it, and now that’s the only way they want to do it.  Working From Home was a concept available long...
Ku Swee Yong

Coping With The Hot Winds Of Change

KU SWEE YONG DIRECTOR, INTERNATIONAL PROPERTY ADVISOR & AUTHOR“THE world is undergoing significant transitions. Western astrologers noted a shift from the Earth era to the Air era that occurred in December...

10 Quirky Office Types To Find Gifts For

WELL, another year has whizzed by, and it’s time to get your weary brain into gear to figure out who your colleagues are and what kind of people they...

More Green In The Little Red Dot

Behind the greenery of Singapore, the Republic is in a constant state of development and redevelopment — old buildings come down and glitzy new buildings go up in the...

Sambal Prawns With Petai — Whip It UP!

Sambal Prawns With Petai  For uninitiated palates, petai or stink beans may be offensive, yet for countless Southeast Asians the pungent legume cooked in a lip-smacking sambal is a savoury...
BMW Alpina B5

Understated Performer – BMW Alpina B5 Biturbo

SOMETIMES you wonder why brands like Alpina exist. Theirs is a niche product that has DNA that is not remarkably different from its BMW roots, unless you get up...
kuih momo

Momo Ghee Cookies – Whip It UP!

Momo Ghee Cookies – Whip It UP Kuih momo are melt-in-the-mouth celebration cookies with a strong milky flavour that crumbles into powdery lusciousness with the first bite. Popular in Sarawak, they...

3 Points On Communication

WE TEND to be creatures of habit. When forced to work under unnatural conditions, the mind behaves in a different mode and the dynamic that is in place in the...
WED WEB CHAT 11.11.20

Heritage Brands Going Strong — WED WEB CHAT

WITH all this talk about new industries eclipsing old ones, and compounded by the onset of COVID-19, there is a lot of uncertainty about the business landscape. Young and old...