Cyber Bullies — Bits and Bytes Pack A Bite

A SECONDARY school girl was bullied on Twitter for being overweight and made fun of for quoting the Bible — called names and accused of “acting holy”. This harassment started...

Sharing Views On Singapore Society

WHY DID bicycle sharing  fail in Singapore, when it has worked in other countries? How will car sharing affect the supporting industries like car parks? How will our education system produce creative...

Never Forsake A Great Sake

RICE HAS been a staple food in Asian households for several millennia. For Asian farmers, rice has long been a cornerstone of their lives. It provides sustenance in energy and...
kuih bahulu

Kuih Bahulu Sponge Cakes – Whip It UP!

Kuih Bahulu Sponge Cakes  These kuih bahulu mini sponge cakes were popularly baked over charcoal using moulds of  different designs. Adeline gives these traditional cakes a fresh twist by adding...

Pears Poached In Red Wine – Whip It UP!

Pears Poached In Red Wine – Whip It UP! BUILD heart and gut health with this French classic, Poires à la Beaujolaise (Pears Poached In Beaujolais). Originating in the wine-growing...

Prawns In Sweet and Sour Sauce – Whip It Up!

PRAWNS are ideal for quick meals as they are easy to whip up on busy days. They pair well with the classic sweet and sour sauce in Chinese cuisine...

Smoked Duck Salad In Thai Dressing – Whip It UP!

SMOKED duck breast, lightly cured, with its alluring woody aroma, delicate and tender meat makes an enticing starter. Serve it for your Christmas dinner at home. Tossed together with...
wwc 030321 grads

New Grads And New Challenges

WHAT jobs are fresh graduates hoping to land in a pandemic period? Already challenged by industries shifting to automation and the world going digital, COVID-19 forced a gear switch that...
Lost Illusions

Joy And Sorrow At The European Film Festival

THE award-winning French film Lost Illusions is a stark reminder that organised society, at any period in time, doesn’t like its order messed with. The closing film of the European...

The Bee’s Knees

WHEN you are up against a US$40 billion counterfeit industry, consumers have to be very sure what they are getting is the real thing, especially if they are paying...