Rani Singam

Who Is Rani Singam’s Muse?

FOR A concept to work, it needs to be explained. And explained well. Rani Singam took to the Victoria Concert Hall stage to premiere My Muse: The Music Movie Of Our...

Blackpink…Fade To Black

I didn’t know what to make of Blackpink’s Light Up The Sky Netflix flick. Being classically trained in music, I see eye-to-eye with the late Pavarotti, or Yo-Yo Ma… you...
Tony Memmel

Tony Memmel Will Never Give Up

IT IS hard enough learning to play the guitar with both hands and 10 fingers. Try it without your left forearm. But that didn't stop Tony Memmel. He knew he was...
Sandy Monteiro, Metallica

Cresting The Music Wave

The music industry has been put through rounds of changes that have dealt body blows to how the business is run globally. Through it all, Sandy Monteiro has picked...

Folk Songs For A City

Dick Lee has contributed songs that reflect the Singapore state of mind over the years. In his own lighthearted way, his songs have come closest to becoming folk tunes....

The Persistent Chinaman

The Peter Pan of the local music industry turns 60 this year and his constant search for new experiences takes him in a fresh direction. Dick Lee’s life story...

Scorpions Still Sting

Scorpions, the German rock band, is as old as Singapore is independent. While Singapore has seen some personnel changes since 1965, so too has the band, except that its...

It’s Virtually Jazz Fantastic

TO THE optimist, every dark cloud has a silver lining. For the world, COVID-19 is a serious dark cloud that hangs heavy with uncertainty over everyone. For Jazz pianist Jeremy Monteiro,...

Norway’s Doorway To Snore Away

THERE are as many reasons as there are sheep jumping through our minds to not have a decent night’s sleep. But instead of testing the integrity of the springs in...

Music That Stirs Jeremy Monteiro

CHEMISTRY is that great unknown you sometimes chance upon in your career. As a jazz artiste, Jeremy Monteiro performs with a wide variety of musicians. As a performer, composer, teacher, adviser,...